Transforming Sustainability into a Competitive Advantage by Anna Stella
Nielsen conducted a study in 60 countries to determine the potential effect of CSR. Out of the 30,000 consumers studied, 66% said they would pay more to brands that prove to be socially responsible. In another US-based study, Cone Communications found that 87% of Americans are willing to spend more on something if they see a company engaging in issues they care about. In essence, sustainability initiatives are a win-win for businesses. According to HBR, companies’ primary motivators to create CSR programs are sustainability, moral obligations, reputation, and operating license.
CSR is a great way to do good for the world while growing profits. Here are the top reasons why a company should incorporate sustainability in its long-term marketing strategy.
There are other ways CSR initiatives can offer a competitive edge to companies, too. When a company has inspired employees and a good working environment, it can attract the best talent in the industry, a substantial competitive advantage during times when labour is in short supply. It can also help drive more referrals. Recent studies show that 85% of executives are more inclined to refer out to companies with a stronger purpose than one which doesn’t.
A recent study found that 73% of consumers are willing to change their habits and invest in things that are good for the environment. Not only that, but sales of sustainable products have grown by over 20% since 2014. Sustainability can increase market share, help break into new customer segments, and ultimately increase the bottom line.
Businesses can use this opportunity to engage community members and get feedback. By finding out what consumers want their company to improve and acting on it, they can build trust and help drive word-of-mouth marketing. When customers feel valued and that the company is interested in listening to them and giving back to society, they are likely to tell their friends and colleagues and encourage them to be part of the business community.
Customer engagement is crucial to company success.
More and more people are interested in improving the world. CSR can help companies create a sense of purpose for the work they do, and by creating this, a positive work environment forms, and employee productivity can be improved. CSR helps motivate employees by giving them the feeling that their work is contributing to something larger than themselves; a sense of purpose for the work they do.
To avoid damaging the company’s reputation and losing customers, a company can invest in CSR. A well-known CSR program can help insulate a company from the damaging impacts of a scandal or even prevent one altogether.
Not only do the younger generations make up a significant and growing consumer base, but also a large piece of the workforce. Top talent from this generation can be choosy.
They care deeply about environmental activism, social responsibility, and philanthropic efforts. To have a shot at hiring the best, you’ll need to put your commitment to social issues, the planet, and sustainable values at the forefront of everything you do.
Bringing environmentally friendly strategies into your business, like the use of digital platforms over paper, virtual events over in-person, or sustainable packaging, make creating a marketing strategy around sustainability easier. Actions speak louder than words, don’t just talk the talk when it comes to sustainability; walk the walk. There’s more at stake here than profits. When consumers can tell that sustainability is truly part of your company’s values, they’ll reward you.