Institute News
Institute News
Chloe from Banduff, Co Cork was the top performing student in Ireland in the CPA Ireland examinations for 2022 and was awarded the Liam Donnelly Medal in recognition of her achievement.
This award is made in recognition of the first Chief Executive of CPA Ireland, Liam Donnelly.
Liam joined CPA Ireland in the 1970s and throughout his career, he held a special place in his heart for CPA Ireland students. He was first to advocate for a modular approach to examinations allowing CPA Ireland students to combine work, study and life.
We congratulate Chloe on her amazing achievement.

Reminders are issued periodically during the year. Sometimes your circumstances have altered, and we haven’t been notified. If you have queries on account balances, please do contact us to resolve. Contact details for all departments are available at
As part of the Professional Standards team the successful candidate will be required to:
- Conduct the Institute’s programme of Quality Assurance (QA) reviews from planning to reporting for selected practices, including onsite reviews throughout Ireland.
- Assisting in devising measurable remediation plans for audit observations identified as part of QA reviews and tracking to completion.
- Provide CPA Ireland members with assistance on technical issues, to facilitate them in providing a service in line with current best practice and legislation.
- Assist in the development of CPD courses, services, products and communications to support CPA Ireland members in practice.
- Deliver technical updates through the CPA Ireland CPD programme to members.
- Enhance the effectiveness of technical committees in their consideration of proposed standards and legislation by providing technical input and other support.
For further details on this position and to apply please visit below:

The main changes are laid out as follows:
6.16.2 – The Secretary when laying a complaint before the Investigation Committee shall now particularize the complaint by identifying the potential breaches.
Emergency Powers
6.18.9 – The Emergency Order period has been extended from 21 days to 60 days.
Investigation Of Complaints by the Investigation Committee
6.19.1 – At the discretion of the Investigation Committee the time limit for request of further information is extended, this is to allow flexibility to the Investigation Committee in the conduct of its business.
Consent Orders
6.22.3, 6.22.4, 6.22.6 and 6.22.7 – To allow more flexibility in processing Consent Orders the requirement to give written agreement within the set time period has been removed.
6.29.1 – To facilitate swifter hearing of urgent cases within a Disciplinary Tribunal the notice period for the Respondent has been reduced from 42 days to 30 days of the hearing.
Resignation From Membership During Disciplinary Process
6.48 – Following changes made to the Constitution on 28 April 2021 a resignation by a Member, Affiliated Partner, Responsible Individual, Student or Authorized Firm shall not take effect until the date that the investigation or disciplinary process has concluded or the Complaint has been withdrawn.
6.55 –The Institute or any Committee or Tribunal of the Disciplinary process may dispense with any requirement of these bye laws in respect of notices, service or time in any case where it appears to be in the interests of justice, having regard to all the circumstances, provided it is satisfied that neither the relevant person nor the Institute has been prejudiced in the conduct of his or its case.
Membership Changes:

The Conferring Ceremony took place in the O’Reilly Hall UCD on Saturday 3rd December 2022 and here we welcomed Ireland’s newest Accountants.
The ceremony was sponsored by JDM Insurance Services Limited. It was inspiring to see our newest members take to the stage to receive their qualification. Congratulations to our newly qualified CPA Ireland members and to all our prize-winning students and a special thanks to our 2022 sponsors for their support.

L-R 2nd Row Chris O’Dowd, Kinga Guzikowska, Helen Douglas, Chloe O’Sullivan, Sharon Sheehan, Conor Molloy, Eamonn Siggins, CEO CPA Ireland, Áine Collins, President CPA Ireland, Adrian Carroll, Dwayne Curran.