Law & Regulation
Law & Regulation News
Law & Regulation News
Guidance regarding accepting company directorships in certain circumstances
The Corporate Enforcement Authority (CEA) recently published guidance to the public regarding accepting company directorships under certain circumstances. The guidance, which is aimed at members of the public who receive unsolicited approaches to become directors of companies about which they know little if anything, sets out at a high level.

  • Company directors’ principal duties and obligations of particular relevance in this context,
  • The considerable risks associated with accepting such appointments, and
  • Some of the basic steps that any member of the public should take before deciding to accept an unsolicited offer to become a company director.
Launch of Ireland’s AI Standards and Assurance Roadmap
Standardisation is key to delivering the accountability and trust needed to ensure commercial and societal acceptance of AI.

Recently the National Standards Authority of Ireland (NSAI), Minister of State for Business, Employment and Retail Neal Richmond TD and minister of State for Trade Promotion, Digital and Company Regulation, Dara Calleary TD launched Ireland’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Standards & Assurance Roadmap.

This roadmap is a key deliverable of Ireland’s National AI Strategy to develop and utilise Artificial Intelligence for the benefit of Irish society and our economy. The roadmap is firmly rooted in supporting Ireland’s implementation of the EU AI Act, which is fundamental to the future of AI within Ireland, across the EU and indeed globally. The roadmap was developed as a result of the Top Team on Standards in AI engagement process.

A significant step in ensuring that Ireland is at the forefront of change, the aim of the roadmap is to support Irish enterprises and organisations in embracing AI safely and ethically, through utilising AI standards that are published and in development. Standardisation is also key to support the new EU-wide AI regulatory framework to deliver the accountability and trust needed to ensure commercial and societal acceptance of AI.

The Top Team on Standards for AI process, let by NSAI, involved collaborative engagement with leading AI experts from across the Irish AI community, including industry, academia, civil society, the private and public sectors. The roadmap sets out a number of actions to support implementation of the Standards and Assurance aspects of the EU AI Act, ensuring that Ireland can safely unlock the potential that AI can provide.

Gender Pay Gap Reporting
The Gender Pay Gap information Act 2021 requires Employers to report their gender pay gap statistics annually.

The reporting measures aim to increase transparency and identify areas, where pay gaps persist, promoting equal pay for equal work. The snapshot date of June 2023 means that Employers must choose a date this month to analyse their pay data to identify any gender pay gaps and take appropriate measures to address the imbalances.

How does the reporting process work?
All firms with 250 or more employees will be required to publish gender pay disparities.

The Act expands the scope to include firms with 150 or more employees in 2024 or more employees in 2025.

The reporting period is a 12-month period immediately preceding and including the snapshot date. For example, if an employer has chosen 20th June 2023 as its snapshot date, its reporting deadline will be 20th December 2023 and the reporting period is 21st June 2022 to 20th June 2023.

Highlights from December 2022 Gender Gap Findings
87% of companies disclosed a pay gap in favour of males

71% of companies disclosed a pay gap above 5%

48% of companies disclosed a pay gap above the national average

82% of companies disclosed a bonus gap in favour of males

What is the gender pay gap?
The gender pay gap is the difference between the average hourly pay of men and women across a workforce expressed as a percentage of the average hourly pay of male Employees. A positive gender pay gap indicates that, on average across all Employees, females are in a less favourable position than males.