President’s Message
Council is now focused on delivering the members’ decision to amalgamate with Chartered Accountants Ireland on the 1st of September 2024. Significant work is in progress to bring both organisations together at member, student and staff levels so that we can move forward as the sole Irish based professional accountancy body on the island of Ireland. From the 1st of September 2024 members of the association will be entitled to use the dual designation of CPA/FCPA and/or ACA/FCA.
The accountancy profession is facing a generational challenge in terms of its attractiveness to new entrants, the rapid development of emerging technologies, the ongoing climate crisis and increased engagement with regulators, standard setters and policy makers. It is the stated ambition of both CPA Ireland & Chartered Accountants Ireland that combining the strengths of each organisation will lead to a stronger voice and better representation for members and offer an enhanced member proposition which would attract new candidates for the qualification and provide more contemporary and accessible service.
Accountants are fundamental to business success, to supporting sustainability and to creating value, in Ireland and around the globe. Opportunities and employment options for qualified accountants are equally wide ranging and inspiring. The roles for accountants persist during periods of boom and downturn. The profession has however been somewhat underrated by school leavers in recent years as schools, colleges and universities awaited a review and update to the Leaving Certificate accountancy curriculum. This is now underway and it will be important to engage and influence the curriculum so that students can see the purpose and opportunity in a career as an accountant.
As a champion of SMEs and the accountants who work in and advise these companies we will continue to ensure the needs of the SME sector are fully supported. SMEs are the bedrock of the Irish economy, and they rely on our expertise and knowledge to support growth and influence national policies.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all members and students of CPA Ireland for supporting your Institute and showing pride in your qualification. I have no doubt that you will continue to represent the accountancy profession to the highest of standards.
President CPA Ireland